Tips for Balancing Your Artistic Duality #3

Tips for Balancing Your Artistic Duality
“Being a Part-Time Artist”

How hard is it for an artist to do what they love only half the time because they cannot afford to pursue their crafts full-time? Our hearts are yearning to be fully invested in our trades but literally our “pockets” cannot. I am talking about being a Part-Time Artist. KeepCalm42 [tips] 3How many hours during the week do you clock in and work on your craft? What, a few hours perfecting your skills in the studio or a day or two working with an acting coach? It is not nearly enough time but we revel in those minuscule moments. Why? Because Continue reading

Public Vs. Private.

Public Vs. Private.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Nowadays, a simple tweet, pic,  or even status update on your social networking site can speak a “1000 comments” or opinions. And all of that is based on one action of yours. And as you go on and meet more people and cross paths in the world… Be aware of what your presence says about you. As KeepCalm36artists we may get to a point in which we want acknowledgment for our craft and along with the goodness of your art/content, it may get twisted up in all the comments and opinions that you exposed yourself to.  Don’t let the choices of today be the embarrassment of tomorrow.  Continue reading

Keep the Focus.

Keep the Focus.

This point is very self-explanatory but it mainly means not losing sight of the bigger prize. I bring up the word “focus” a lot in this blog because as we get older, we tend to allow our focuses to drift to things that aren’t necessarily important or even worth our time.KeepCalm26

As artists, we have to make time for our crafts. It may not be as much or as soon as we would like for it to be but…every little bit matters. As a blogger and a full time performer/student I have to make time to just sit to myself and think. And when I finally do…the Continue reading

Author’s Reflection: 2015

Reflection 2015: Goals for 2016 and Beyond

Let me start by saying that I am so grateful for each and everyone of you who take the time to read and comment on Keep Calm and Create On. This is only the beginning for us! HAPPY NEW YEARS!!

As I continue on my journey as an Actress, Author, and Blogger, I wanted to reflect on the adversities I have overcome and acknowledge the joy that is before me.  Mark this: We made it! Although it felt like we were going to buck down and crumble, at times, we are now here standing at the cusp of something amazing: a new adventure and journey. But our journeys are not start now at the end of a year, it has been in the works thru the entirety of 2015.

The Four Cornerstones for 2016

The Four Cornerstones for 2016

This is one of the only times during the year that I don’t mind looking at social media and see people updating their twitters or FB statuses. Why? Mainly because it’s full of so much Continue reading