

It’s amazing how swiftly things can change. Sometimes when you are just open and listen you will start to see your paths illuminate.

KeepCalm10Sometimes you may think that what you want is the best thing—a career choice or a relationship or whatever, but indeed if it truly doesn’t benefit your soul, it will not prosper. “Don’t lose your soul (mind, memory, and affections) over things…  For what would it profit you to gain this whole world and lose your soul while doing so?” T.D. Jakes via Mark 8:36.

Artists, be true to yourself: open up and listen. It is not necessarily a spiritual or religious custom but a lifestyle choice. Sometimes being led is better than going with your own beat and path. We should declare that we won’t take the new as something wrong and we won’t take something wrong as a testament that something needs to change. You would think that is normal, right? No. See to me, I thought taking on something new was a challenge or a test to see…to see if I could try and JUST be happy and content with what I have and not seek out more. But…sometimes the opportunity just falls into your laps, y’all. AND THE BEST PART, you weren’t even expecting it. At all.

This career path of an actor has to be one of the most “concited” paths that any person could ever choose. Yes, I said “CONCITED”, not conceited. Have you ever been so excited about how the way things are moving and shifting in your life but just are as confused as to how it will end up? Or what is “exactly” going to happen?? See that is being concited. (smiles)

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© Keep Calm and Create On, Brittney Simone Harris

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